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FREE 3 Day Knowledge challenge

Join me for a FREE 3 Day Knowledge Challenge, focusing on understanding your menopause and symptoms.

This free mini online course helps you to gain knowledge and take control of your menopause journey. 🌻

Day 1 ✨ Hormones and menopause symptoms.

Day 2 ✨ Nutrition to rebalance our hormones.

Day 3 ✨ Exercise choices to improve physical and mental wellbeing throughout the menopause.

The FREE 3 Day Knowledge Challenge will take place on the 8th, 9th & 10th September at 12.30 – 1.00pm on Zoom.

Tasks will be set each day and you will also have access to a private Facebook Group, in which the groups thoughts are shared and discussed 💜

“Since joining Carolyn’s Pilates class I have been free of back pain (of 20 years duration) and free of pelvic floor related issues.”

— eleanor