4 reasons why you need Pilates for your midlife mental health

Changing hormone levels during menopause can play havoc with women’s emotional & mental health. From anxiety, which has been my own experience, to severe depression & suicidal thoughts, menopause can be a turbulent time for our emotional health.

Sometimes called the ‘sandwich years’ due to the constant juggle of family life, work, teenage kids & aging parents, midlife mental wellbeing can be challenged.

Pilates practice can help reduce emotional symptoms of menopause. Pilates incorporates low impact movement with breath in a repetitive controlled flow, often to music in a group setting. These key elements of pilates are healing for both body & mind.

We want to feel calm & in control, peaceful as well as positive and able to manage our busy lives, especially during menopause when our physical & mental health are being tested to their limits.

1. Pilates can improve your Mood

Low mood during menopause can impact on all aspects of life. Feeling overwhelmed & stressed can build gradually or be a constant issue in menopause. Modern day life puts our mind & body under constant pressure. Feeling on edge, tired & experiencing headaches & joint pain are frequent symptoms of stress & overwhelm. Like most movement & exercise, pilates can boost your endorphin levels (happy hormones) which help to lift our spirits & shrug off the gloom. The lengthening & stretching of Pilates practice, can help reduce rising menopausal stress hormones. As our bodies move in a fluid & rhythmic way muscles start to loosen & our mind can relax & reduce stress & brighten our mood.

‘….. Pilates is complete coordination of body, mind and spirit..’ Joseph Pilates

‘.. Change happens through movement and movement heals…’ Joseph Pilates

2. Pilates improves Brain Fog – Concentration and Forgetfulness

We are probably all familiar with being mid conversation & totally forgetting the next word or sentence - very embarrassing! This can impact confidence, particularly in the work environment. Pilates offers strengthening of both body & mind and is a full mental workout. Pilates movements require effort from your brain as you focus, move with control & remember the sequence of moves.

Learning pilates can improve our overall brain function by creating new brain cells & pathways (neurogenesis), helping improve brain fog, reduced concentration & forgetfulness.

A 2020 research paper states ‘…pilates training program of 12 weeks has beneficial effects on cognitive abilities such as verbal fluency & executive function’ (Effectiveness of a Pilates Training Program on Cognitive and Functional Abilities in Postmenopausal Women, Patricia Alexandra Garcia – Garro)

3. Pilates improves Confidence

During all stages of menopause, women’s confidence can take a nose dive. Confidence is a key aspect of a happy & successful life. Boosting confidence can help self image & self belief as well as providing a foundation to manage menopause symptoms.

Pilates practice offers the perfect combination of movement to improve strength, flexibility, control & balance & can be adjusted to fit any age and stage of menopause & fitness level. Making pilates a part of your weekly routine can build confidence in your own body & boost positivity.

4. Pilates improves Community Connection and Social Support

Menopause transition can create feelings of isolation, loneliness & lack of support which can lead to withdrawing from society & community life. Belonging to a like minded group can provide a support through menopause. Pilates classes whether in person or online, in a hall or studio, can help provide a community especially when you meet women of a similar age, stages of life & with mutual goals.

Lots of great information here…

Louise Newson Mental health Booklet
